Before every ATA tournament, both competitors and judges raise their supported right hand and take an oath.  The judges promise to be fair.  The competitors promise to demonstrate “safety, courtesy and respect” and remember that, “to compete is to win”. 

When I was a young competitor, I always thought, “Is it though? Does just showing up to compete equal winning? It sure does feel A LOT BETTER to win-win; I mean the medals; gold, silver, bronze!” 

As I continued to compete, and mostly win, and sometimes lose ;-), I eventually got it.  With every loss, I got better, I challenged myself mentally and physically to do better the next time.  I finally realized, I was competing against Myself. I was choosing to challenge the limitations I had set for myself for whatever conscious or unconscious reason.  So, yes, I’m here to tell you, TO compete IS to win!  However, if you only focus on 1st, 2nd or 3rd place, you will not Win as much. If you stay focused on the experience and the challenge, it will change your life! AND, BONUS, you will make GREAT friends, because sharing the process of being vulnerable and evolving on life’s stage will create unbreakable bonds.

I look forward to seeing everyone at a tournament soon!

Judges’ Oath

“Do you swear that your judging of the Taekwondo students here present shall be without prejudice of school, region or other variant, and that your judging will be to the best of your ability in keeping with ATA policy and standards for the best interests of all competitors here involved?”

All judges shall answer: “I DO.”

Competitors’ Oath

“Do you promise as a competitor in this ATA Regional Tournament, to compete in the spirit of Songahm Taekwondo, demonstrating safety, courtesy, and respect towards your fellow competitors, the judges, and the spectators? And will you always remember that “to compete is to win.”

All competitors shall answer: “I DO.”

  • Senior Master Annette Palacios